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D.13.5 Efficiency Scoring

D.13.5.1 Conversion Factors

Each fuel or energy used is converted using the factors:

a. Gasoline / Petrol 2.31 kg of CO2 per liter

b. E85 1.65 kg of CO2 per liter

c. Electric 0.65 kg of CO2 per kWh

D.13.5.2 (EV only) Full credit will be given for energy recovered through regenerative braking

D.13.5.3 Scoring Term Definitions:

CO2 min - the smallest mass of CO2 used by any competitor who is eligible for Efficiency

CO2 your - the mass of CO2 used by the team being scored

Tmin - the lowest Endurance time of the fastest team which is eligible for Efficiency

Tyour - same as Endurance (D.12.13.1)

Lapyours - the number of laps driven by the team being scored

Laptotal Tmin and Latptotal CO2min - be the number of laps completed by the teams which set Tmin and CO2min, respectively

D.13.5.4 The Efficiency Factor is determined by:

Tmin / LapTotal Tmin

CO2 min / LapTotal CO2 min

Efficiency Factor =


Tyours / Lap yours

CO2 your / Lap yours



D.13.5.5 EfficiencyFactor min will be calculated using the above formula with:

CO2 your equivalent to 60.06 kg CO2/100km

Tyour 1.45 times Tmin


D.13.5.6 When the team is eligible for Efficiency. the team score is determined as:

( Efficiency Factor min / Efficiency Factor your ) -1

Efficiency Score =

100 x

(Efficiency Factor min / Efficiency Factor max ) -1