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D.8.1.1 DOO - Cone is Down or Out when one or both:
a. Cone has been knocked over (Down)
b. The entire base of the cone lies outside the box marked around the cone in its undisturbed position (Out)
D.8.1.2 DNF - Did Not Finish – The team attempted a run, but did not complete it, or was not allowed to complete it
D.8.1.3 DQ - Disqualified - run(s) no longer valid
D.8.1.4 Gate - The path between two cones through which the vehicle must pass. Two cones, one on each side of the course define a gate. Two sequential cones in a slalom define a gate.
D.8.1.5 Entry Gate -The path marked by cones which establishes the required path the vehicle must take to enter the course.
D.8.1.6 Exit Gate - The path marked by cones which establishes the required path the vehicle must take to exit the course.
D.8.1.7 OC – Off Course
a. The vehicle did not pass through a gate in the required direction.
b. The vehicle has all four wheels outside the course boundary as indicated by cones, edge marking or the edge of the paved surface.
Where more than one boundary indicator is used on the same course, the narrowest track will be used when determining Off Course penalties.