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EV.8.11 Shutdown Buttons

EV.8.11.1 Three Shutdown Buttons must be installed on the vehicle.

EV.8.11.2 Each Shutdown Button must be a push-pull or push-rotate emergency switch EV.8.11.3 One Shutdown Button must be on each side of the vehicle which:

a. Is located behind the driver’s compartment at approximately the level of the driver’s


b. Has a diameter of 40 mm minimum

c. Must not be easily removable or mounted onto removable body work EV.8.11.4 One Shutdown Button must be mounted in the cockpit which:

a. Is located in easy reach of the belted in driver, alongside the steering wheel, and unobstructed by the steering wheel or any other part of the vehicle

b. Has diameter of 24 mm minimum

EV.8.11.5 The international electrical symbol (a red spark on a white edged blue triangle) must be near each Shutdown Button.

EV.8.11.6 Pressing any of the Shutdown Buttons must Open the Shutdown Circuit EV.8.2.2