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F.5.7.1 The Main Hoop must be constructed of a single piece of uncut, continuous, closed section steel tubing meeting F.3.2.1.g
F.5.7.2 The Main Hoop must extend from the lowest Frame Member / bottom of Monocoque on one side of the Frame, up, over and down to the lowest Frame Member / bottom of Monocoque on the other side of the Frame.
F.5.7.3 In the side view of the vehicle,
a. The portion of the Main Hoop that lies above its attachment point to the upper Side Impact Tube must be less than 10° from vertical.
b. Any bends in the Main Hoop above its attachment point to the Major Structure of the Chassis must be braced to a node of the Main Hoop Bracing Support structure with tubing meeting F.3.2.1.h
c. The portion of the Main Hoop that lies below the upper side impact member attachment point may be inclined at any angle to the vertical in the forward direction but, it must be inclined rearward no more than 10° of the vertical.
F.5.7.4 In the front view of the vehicle, the vertical members of the Main Hoop must be minimum 380 mm apart (inside dimension) at the location where the Main Hoop is attached to the bottom tubes of the Major Structure of the Chassis.