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DR.1.2.1 Submission Date
The date and time of upload to the website DR.1.2.2 Submission Deadline
The date and time by which the document must be uploaded or submitted DR.1.2.3 No Submissions Accepted After
The last date and time that documents may be uploaded or submitted DR.1.2.4 Late Submission
Uploaded after the Submission Deadline and prior to No Submissions Accepted After
Submitted largely incomplete prior to or after the Submission Deadline DR.1.2.5 Not Submitted
Not uploaded prior to No Submissions Accepted After
Not in the specified form or format DR.1.2.6 Amount Late
The number of days between the Submission Deadline and the Submission Date. Any partial day is rounded up to a full day.
Examples: submitting a few minutes late would be one day penalty; submitting 25 hours late would be two days penalty
DR.1.2.7 Reviewer
A designated event official who is assigned to review and accept a Submission